and home of...
Animal Acupuncture
Dr Paul is Ontarios only chiropractor trained in animal acupuncture, other people we respect include:
East York Animal Clinic, 416-757-3569, eastyorkanimalclinic.com
Royal York Animal Hospital, 416-231-9293, ryah.ca
Dr. Rona Sherebrin at the Secord Animal Hospital, 416-486-1700, secordvet.com
Dr. P. Brar, 416-953-4781
Animal Underwater Treadmill or Swimming Rehab
Canine Wellness, 57 Byng Avenue, appt@caninewellness.com, 416-690-1077
Veterinary Emergency Hospital, Mississauga location, rehab@vetemergency.ca, 905-829-9444
FitDogs, 227 Broadview Ave, info@fitdogs.ca, 416-929-9287
ARC, 920 Yonge St, info@animalrehabcentre.com, 416-964-9346
Paws Swim Therapy in Alliston pawsswimtherapy.com/
Bailey's Place, self-directed swim rehab and exercise for dogs
Luv my K9's, Georgetown, 905-873-9959
Southern Ontario Animal Rehab, Burlington, #5 - 850 Legion Rd, 905-961-7627
Animal Massage Therapy
Heather Johnston, flowcanine@gmail.com, 905-301-4064
Pennie Jackson, pj@zeninmotion.ca, 905-936-3647
Corina Grecu, corina@massageforpets.com, 647-202-9572
Bev Spotton
Erit Zaid of K9EQ Massage Therapy
Custom Orthopedic Braces
Pawsability. Pet Orthoses and Braces for weakness and instability, Janice O, pawsability.ca
Molly B. of Canadian Animal Rehab Services in Mount Albert, info@animalrehab.on.ca 1-800-678-9291
Carla M. of Appletree Orthotic Services in Oakville, carla@appletreeorthotics.com
Doggie Central
This is an indoor dog park, offering free play, daycare, wash stations, boutique, and spa. doggiecentral.ca
Paws en Route
This is Uber for Your dog! Don't have time to bring your dog in for needed treatment, Paws on Route will gladly pick them up, bring them for treatment, then bring them home. www.pawsonroute.com
Benny Bullys
These are very popular dog and cat treats - haven't met a dog yet that would refuse a Benny Bully. One ingredient - dried beef liver, could it be any simpler? bennybullys.com
Truepurechoice Treats by Nature
Naturally are dog treats made from locally sourced, human grade ingredients. companionpetproducts.ca
Wholesome Canine
I strongly recommend the Haqihana harnesses they sell - Minimal gait disrup by allowing full shoulder motion.
Canine nutrition and behaviour specialists in Toronto's west end. wholesomecanine.ca/
Healthy Paws
features a holistic pet nutritionist, Delia Lo Porto, dloporto@tryhealthypaws.com or 416-741-0913
Buddy Belts
A superior harness to prevent neck problems buddy-belts.com
Dog Training:
K9 Kustom Solutions, skik@rogers.com
Swansea Dog Obedience Club, swanseadog.com
Good Dog Training, Valerie Ivak, valerie@gooddogtraining.ca 416-839-1490
DogSmart Training in Bradford, Karin Apfel, apfel@sympatico.ca 905-775-9189
Dog Daycare, Sitting, and Walking
Marie Nardella at https://www.lovelicksandwagsbythelake.com/
Cat Training (Yes, you read that correctly!)
Happy Kitty, Claudette Nita, claudette@happykitty.ca 647-210-6850
Veterinary Housecall Services:
Dr. Chris Hickman, hickmanmobile@gmail.com 416-700-3293
Dr. Maria Parente, 647-707-3192
Toronto Mobile Vet Service, 647-389-4838
Clip your pet's nails yourself!
Nail clipping video demo by Dr. Leslie Woodcock youtube.com/watch?v=nbLR3g7fy-0
Etobicoke Humane Society etobicokehumanesociety.com
Toronto Animal Services toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly
Education / Associations
American Veterinary Chiropractic Association, animalchiropractic.org
College of Animal Chiropractors, collegeofanimalchiropractors.org
Veterinary Chiropractic Learning Centre, veterinarychiropractic.ca
Options for Animals, animalchiro.com
College of Chiropractic of Ontario, cco.on.ca
Canadian Chiropractic Association, ccachiro.org
Ontario Chiropractic Association, chiropractic.on.ca
College of Veterinarians of Ontario, cvo.org
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, cmcc.ca
International Veterinary Acupuncture Society, www.ivas.org/